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Zoo Madrid get's ready for next panda birth

Posted by Jeroen Jacobs | Date: 2013 08 16 | In: Zoo Madrid

Hua Zui Ba

According to the latest hormone female giant panda analysis taken at Zoo Madrid, Hua Zui Ba could be pregnant. While everything seems to confirm the latest news and the hormone urinalysis are compatible, the technical team and Zoo Madrid veterinary surgeon are still prudent until they can get an ultrasound scan which confirms that Hua Zui Ba is pregnant, so they will be able to reject the idea of a false pregnancy.

Over the past days, a considerable change of behavior has been noticed on Hua Zui Ba, similar to the one that she had in 2010 one month before the twins Po and De De were born. Spain’s female giant panda is showing a loss of appetite, she doesn´t respond to her keepers and she is completely quiet, lying down inside the pagoda.

Since the artificial insemination on April 20, the technical team of Zoo Madrid in partnership with the Physiology Department of the Veterinary College of the University Complutense of Madrid and the National Institute for Agricultural Research and Experimentation (INIEAF), has conducted a weekly research of the hormones levels achieving one of the highest point last week. If these levels are confirmed, Hua Zui Ba could become mother for second time in the next weeks.

Last time, Hua Zui Ba took 135 days in delivering Po and De De, now she is on her 116th day.


In order to avoid any annoyances to the future mother, Hua Zui Ba will be moved very soon to one of the inner rooms until next birth. It would be the third time that giant panda cub are born at Zoo Madrid (Chu Lin & his twin sister in 1982 and Po & De De in 2010).

Source: Zoo Madrid

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