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Twins born in Madrid

Posted by Jeroen Jacobs | Date: 2010 09 07 | In: Zoo Madrid


On September 7, 2010 Hua Zuiba gave birth to a pair of twins at Zoo Madrid. The first birth occurred at 13u40 and the second at 15u13. Hua Zuiba was artificially inseminated on April 25, 2010 with semen from Bing Xing. Hua Zuiba is taking care of the first baby and the keepers are currently hand rearing the second one…

Congratulations to Hua Zuiba, Bing Xing & the Zoo Madrid Panda Staf! Let’s hope these little panda cubs can bring as much joy to Madrid as Chu Lin, the first panda born in Europe in 1982.


Image Source: Gustavo Fernandez, Zoo Madrid

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